Thursday 26 March 2015

SQL Server String Functions

String Functions :

LEFT Function : Transact-SQL supports retrieving portions of the string. For instance, to retrieve the first few characters from the left of the string you use the LEFT function.

The following example retrieves first four letters of employee last names in the AdventureWorksDW database:
SELECT LEFT(LastName, 4) AS FirstFourLettersOfLastName,  LastName FROM dbo.DimEmployee


RIGHT Function: The RIGHT function retrieves the portion of the string counting from the right.
For example:
SELECT RIGHT(LastName, 4) AS FirstFourLettersOfLastName,  LastName as FullLastName FROM dbo.DimEmployee

LastFourLettersOfLastName FullLastName 
bert Gilbert 
rown Brown 
ello Tamburello

SUBSTRING Function: SUBSTRING function retrieves a portion of the string starting at the specified character and bringing back the number of characters specified.
 Syntax is:
SUBSTRING(string, starting_character_number, number_of_characters_to_return)

The following example will retrieve four characters from the employee last names, starting at the third character:
SELECT SUBSTRING(LastName, 3, 4) AS PortionOfLastName FROM DimEmployee
PortionOfLastName FullLastName 
lber Gilbert 
mbur Tamburello 
lter Walters

Notice that the SUBSTRING function finds the starting character by counting from the left. In other words, if we run SUBSTRING(LastName, 3, 4) against the last name of "Buchanan" we start on the 3rd character from the left - "c".

REVERSE Function: The REVERSE function gives you a mirror image of a given string.

The following example returns the mirror image of employee last names:
SELECT  REVERSE(LastName) AS MirrorImage,  LastName AS FullLastName  FROM DimEmployee

MirrorImage FullLastName 
trebliG Gilbert 
nworB Brown 
ollerubmaT Tamburello 

sretlaW Walters

REPLACE Function: REPLACE function replaces some characters within a string with another set of characters.
Syntax is:
REPLACE(string expression, value to be replaced, replacing value)

For example, the following query replaces each occurrence of the word "payable" with "receivable":

SELECT AccountDescription,  REPLACE(AccountDescription, 'payable', 'receivable') AS DreamOn FROM dimAccount WHERE AccountDescription LIKE '%payable%'

STUFF Function: The STUFF function inserts a set of characters into a given string at a given position.

Syntax is:
STUFF(string to manipulate, starting position, length, characters to insert)
For example, the following query adds " town " string to every city in DimGeography table:
SELECT  STUFF(city, 5, 6, ' town ') AS Manipulated,  City  FROM dimGeography

Manipulated  City 
Rock town n   Rockhampton 
Town town     Townsville 
Clov town       Cloverdale 
Find town       Findon 
Pert town       Perth

You saw how to find the position of a specific character or number of characters using CHARINDEX. Now you can apply that knowledge and use STUFF function to replace characters based on their position.

The following example determines the position of 'ville' in the City column and then replaces it with 'town':
SELECT STUFF(city, CHARINDEX('ville', city), 6, ' town ') AS Manipulated,  City FROM dimGeography  WHERE city LIKE '%ville'


Manipulated City 
Campbells town  Campbellsville 
Mel town  Melville 
Cross town  Crossville 
Mary town  Maryville 

Nash town  Nashville

LEN Function : The LEN function finds the length of the character string. The function takes the string as a single argument.

For example, the following query shows the length of each city name:
SELECT  LEN(city) AS number_of_characters,  City  FROM dimGeography

Number_of_characters City 
10  Alexandria 
13  Coffs Harbour 
12  Darlinghurst 
8    Goulburn 
9    Lane Cove

Note: Use the DATALENGTH system function to determine the number of characters in a TEXT column.

REPLICATE Function : The REPLICATE function repeats a given string specified number of times.

Syntax is: REPLICATE(string, number of times).

For example, the following query prints the string '100' five times:


SPACE Function : The SPACE function is an equivalent of using REPLICATE to repeat spaces. This function takes a single argument - number of spaces you want to print.

UPPER and LOWER Functions: UPPER and LOWER functions change the case of the query's output. Both functions accept a string expression as the only argument.

For example, the following query will return the US cities and corresponding states in mixed case:

SELECT UPPER(LEFT(City, 1)) +  LOWER(SUBSTRING(City, 2, (LEN(City) - 1))) + ',' + SPACE(2)
+ UPPER(LEFT(StateProvinceName, 1)) +  LOWER(SUBSTRING(StateProvinceName, 2,(LEN(StateProvinceName) - 1)))  AS CityAndState
FROM DimGeography  WHERE CountryRegionCode = 'us'

Chandler,  Arizona 
Gilbert,  Arizona 
Mesa,  Arizona 
Phoenix,  Arizona 
Scottsdale,  Arizona

ASCII Function: ASCII function returns the ASCII code value of the leftmost character of a string. This function is commonly used for comparing characters without knowing whether they're in upper or lower case. Upper case and lower case letters translate into different ASCII values, as the following example shows:

SELECT ASCII('A') AS UpperCase, ASCII('a') AS LowerCase

UpperCase   LowerCase 

65          97

UNICODE Function : UNICODE function works just like ASCII, except it accepts the Unicode character value as input. This could be useful if you're working with international character sets.

CHARINDEX and PATINDEX Function : Transact-SQL supports two functions for finding an occurrence of a particular character (or number of characters) within a string: CHARINDEX and PATINDEX. CHARINDEX finds the starting position of a single character or string within a given column (or variable). In addition, if you suspect that the value you are searching for might occur multiple times within a given string you can specify the character number at which you want to start searching.

Syntax of the function is:
CHARINDEX(search value, string, starting search location)

For example, you might wish to find a position of an apostrophe inside employee last names. The following query shows how this can be achieved using CHARINDEX function:

SELECT  CHARINDEX("'", LastName) AS ApostrophePosition,  LastName AS FullLastName FROM DimEmployee  WHERE lastname LIKE '%%'


ApostrophePosition FullLastName 
2 D'Hers 
2 D'sa

Perhaps a more interesting example is finding an occurrence of a string, as opposed to an occurrence of a character. For example, city names often end with "ville", as in Huntsville or Clarksville. The following query finds the starting position of "ville" within city names:

SELECT  CHARINDEX('ville', city) AS Position,  City    FROM dimGeography  WHERE city LIKE '%ville'

Position City 
5 Daleville 
10 Campbellsville 
4 Melville 
6 Crossville 
5 Maryville

The next example finds the occurrence of the value within a variable, starting search at the 20th character:
DECLARE @variable VARCHAR(255) 
SELECT @variable = 'this is a string. this is also a string' 
SELECT  CHARINDEX('string', @variable, 20) AS Position


PATINDEX function is very similar to CHARINDEX - It also finds the position of the first occurrence of a character or multiple characters.
The difference is that you have to append % wildcards to PATINDEX.
This function searches for a pattern. If you use a % wildcard with CHARINDEX you won't find anything, unless your data contains percent signs.
If you're searching for a pattern at the end of the string expression, then you only have to use the % wildcard at the beginning of the pattern to be found, as in PATINDEX ('%pattern_to_find', string).

The following query returns the same results as CHARINDEX example:
SELECT  PATINDEX('%ville%', city) AS Position,  City FROM dimGeography  WHERE city LIKE '%ville%'

Use of PATINDEX function to display field value of table:
SELECT Address, PATINDEX('% %',Address) AS 'Index' FROM Customers

ContactName                             Index
Obere Str. 57                                6
Avda. de la Constitución 2222  6
Mataderos  2312                         10
120 Hanover Sq.                          4
Berguvsvägen  8                          13
Forsterstr. 57                               12

Use of PATINDEX function in where clause:
SELECT ContactName, Address FROM Customers
WHERE  PATINDEX('%8%',Address) > 0

ContactName            Address
Christina Berglund     Berguvsvägen  8
Diego Roel                C/ Moralzarzal, 86
Martine Rancé           184, chaussée de Tournai
Carlos Hernández      Carrera 22 con Ave. Carlos Soublette #8-35
Patricia McKenna      8 Johnstown Road
Jaime Yorres             87 Polk St. Suite 5

Above example displays all customers containing character '8' in addresss from customers table.

CHAR Function : The CHAR function does the opposite of ASCII - it returns an alphanumeric equivalent of an ASCII code. CHAR function accepts a single argument - a number between 0 and 255.

Syntax : CHAR ( integer_expression )

Examples of CHAR Function :

Use of CHAR function in select clause

Above example displays the use of CHAR function to display character based on ascii value.

STR Function: STR function is used to convert numeric value to character.

Syntax of STR Function :

STR ( float_expression [ ,length [ ,decimal ] ] )

float_expression is an expression of float data type with a decimal point.

length is total length including decimal point, sign, digits, and spaces. The default is 10. If you specify negative value then it returns NULL. It should be greater than or equal to the part of the number before the decimal point plus it's sign. If it is not so then it returns ** .

decimal is the number of places after decimal point. If you specify negative value then it returns NULL.

Return type of STR function is char.

Examples of STR function :

Example 1 : Use of STR function in select clause

SELECT STR(137.45,7,3)

Above example can displays 6 digits and a decimal point as seventh character. Fractional part of the number is rounded to three decimal places.

Example 2 : Converting negative number to character type using STR function

SELECT STR(-137.45,6,1)

Above example displays 4 digits, 5th character as negative sign and 6th character as decimal point. Fractional part of the number is rounded to one decimal place.

LTRIM : LTRIM function returns the string by removing all the blank spaces at left side. It also takes 1 argument as string value.

select LTRIM('ASP    ')
Result: ASP-----
Blanks at the right side not removed.

RTRIM : RTRIM function returns the string by removing all the blank spaces at right side. It also takes 1 argument as string value.

select RTRIM('  ASP')
Result: -----ASP

Blanks at the left side not removed.

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